A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is a common fertility test that helps our fertility specialists determine if there are abnormalities in your Fallopian tubes or uterus. It is a special kind of live action x-ray known as fluoroscopy test
HSG can help diagnose:
- blocked Fallopian tubes
- damaged Fallopian tubes
- abnormally-shaped uterus
- fibroids, polyps or scar tissue
The HSG experience is similar to getting a regular annual exam and PAP test, although some women experience slightly more cramping and discomfort. We recommend that patients take an ibuprofen before their appointment.
- Come with a full bladder so that you can give a urine sample. The urine sample is tested to ensure you are not pregnant before the procedure.
- You will lie on your back in the x-ray room, similar to the position for a pelvic examination.
- The clinician will use a speculum to open the vagina and will cleanse the cervix with antiseptic.
- Next, a flexible catheter is inserted into the cervix, and dye is injected into the uterus. If the Fallopian tubes are open, it will be seen on the fluoroscopy screen filling the tubes and “spilling out” of the ends. The dye also shows the structure of the uterus and any fibroids or other abnormalities that may be present.
Most women report only slight discomfort during or after HSG, usually less severe than menstrual cramping; however, if Fallopian tube blockages are present, the discomfort may be greater. Some spotting may occur up to several days after the procedure, which is normal.
There are very few risks to HSG. The clinician can give you preliminary results, and your doctor will follow up with you in a few days with a full report. If your HSG results are abnormal, the doctor will discuss with you the possible treatments for blocked or damaged Fallopian tubes or structural problems with the uterus.